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v-on.native modifier removed


The .native modifier for v-on has been removed.

2.x Syntax

Event listeners passed to a component with v-on are by default only triggered by emitting an event with this.$emit. To add a native DOM listener to the child component's root element instead, the .native modifier can be used:


3.x Syntax

The .native modifier for v-on has been removed. At the same time, the new emits option allows the child to define which events it does indeed emit.

Consequently, Vue will now add all event listeners that are not defined as component-emitted events in the child as native event listeners to the child's root element (unless inheritAttrs: false has been set in the child's options).



  export default {
    emits: ['close']

Migration Strategy

  • remove all instances of the .native modifier.
  • ensure that all your components document their events with the emits option.

Migration build flag: COMPILER_V_ON_NATIVE

Parent and Child Migration Strategy

If you are running the migration build you will need to consider both the parent and the child component interaction. If you make a parent component use the Vue 3.x syntax by removing .native from a child component then the child component must:

  • either already be in Vue 3 mode and set MODE: 3 in compatConfig
  • or must set INSTANCE_LISTENERS: false in compatConfig

For example, in a parent component migrated to use 3.x syntax:


Then the corresponding config required in the child MyComponent.vue is:

export default {
  compatConfig: {

A migration strategy taking into account both the parent and the child would be:

  1. Keep .native in templates until the children are ready to handle native events in the Vue 3 way.
  2. Migrate the children:
    1. First, migrate any children that use $listeners to use $attrs instead (usually used in combination with inheritAttrs: false) - more info.
    2. Document emitted events in child components with emits: [] - more info.
    3. In each of these child components, set INSTANCE_LISTENERS compat behavior to false as shown in the example above.
  3. You can now migrate the parents:
    1. Remove all usage of .native.

For a fuller discussion, see this GitHub issue comment.

See also